September 28, 2011

April 15, 2009

JDM hollic

JDM(japanese development market) adalah suatu aliran modifikasi yang sangat mewabah di tanah air kita saat ini. JDM style ini yaitu suatu pemodelan kendaraan(umumnya mobil) sesuai dengan konsep racing car(seperti di film 2F2F gitu, hehe..)dan memakai part racing yang sama, seperti penggunaan NOS, hood racing, MUGEN bodykit, racing muffler, hingga nitromethana, hehe..

nah di kalangan modifmania motor, rupanya style modifikasi ini juga mulai mewabah. Namun, masih sebatas pengaplikasian modifikasi sederhana, semisal pengaplikasian cutting stiker, dan juga muffler knalpot yang menyerupai tipe pada knalpot motoGP,.

March 11, 2009


hari ne, gak terasa udah tanggal 11,..berarti dah ekspired neh diriku di kota kembang ne,...gak terasa udah 1 bln lebih aku disini, dan udah waktunya juga aku tuk kembali ke habitat aku, di jogja dan kuliah lagi..beuuuhh, rasanya lum cukup neh disini sebulan, karena lum cukup puas juga menikmati tempat2 hangout disini, yah....

February 27, 2009

where we'll go?? (part 2)

yesterday afternoon, me with my friend will go to Lembang, eits because somebody prayed, accidentally canceled!oh my gosh!!
but whatever happen,i must go, and finally we went to pvj-parìs van java,haha2
wuiih,believe its or not,thats my first goin there(poor me..hukz).. PVJ so cool,it has city walk concept..and we walking around PVJ,after satisfied, we went to blitz to watching a movie,he2
dont you know?the tickets was so expensive, even than 21 studio!but, we still decide to watching the first and most expensive(ticket) movie i,ve ever watch...Slumdog Millionaire!!
the movie was so exciting, with best picture, best setting, and best star(although not well-known)..the movie tells bout a boy from slum place in mumbai, india with his sacrifies to struggle from the unfair live..its complied with some action, funny, even love stories between the starrings( in movie of course)..
and finally i just wanna say, you must watch it!!like i doin, and i dont feel regret although i paid for the most expensive ticket i've ever pay!!

have a nice watch!!

where we'll go??

this afternoon, me with my friend have nothing to do(as job),.we confuse what to do,..
accidentally, my friends said to ciwideuy or Lembang ajah!!!
Aha!!!nice idea gan,..

so we will go earlier from the office,..he2...(evil mode : ON)...uuupss!!!dont tell Pak Suryana and pak Nato yaph!!he2...

eits, because we will escape, i think its enough,..i will tell you if i've done,..and go to Lembang with succes!!!amieeeeeeeenn....

adios amigos, buenos noches...